So far we have had 2 swarms this week. On Sunday I kept checking the Paddyelms around every 30 mins as I thought they might send off a primary swarm. They didn't but then I became aware of a medium sized swarm in a beech tree nearby. It was quite high up and in amongst the branches so not the easiest to catch. We are not sure if it is a primary swarm, or a cast, but managed to collect it and hive it fairly easily in the end. We didn't see the queen, but they entered the hive very quickly so we think we got her. It could have come from the Apple Trees, if it was a cast, or possibly from Kings Cross Cottage where they have bees in an unused chimney. We had had a call from a neighbour the same day who had called round there and thought there was a swarm. When Mick got there it had gone, so it was possibly the one in our beech tree. The bees do look rather like our bees, The Kings, who also came from there last year. We have named them The Beeches.
Mick climbing up to get them |
Up the ladder |
Got them |
Onto the sheet |
In they go |
On Monday we had a cast from the Appletrees. They gathered low down amongst some brambles and ferns. We cut away as much of the vegetation as we could, put a nucleus box in front of them and then put a sheet from the box to as near to them as we could get it. We then shook as many bees as we could over and on to the sheet. We have now given this cast away to another Top Bar Beekeeper in the village.
The cast from The Appletrees
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