On 9th July we took the swarm to it's new home with Paula who gave us the colony they came from when it was a tiny cast last year.
Paula takes the cork out |
Hello girls (bees that is) |
We last checked the split we took from the Lizards on 17th June during Phil's course. There was an opened queen cell on the comb we had put in 2½ weeks before. Since then weather has been awful and we have
been feeding them. They slowed down with feeding a few days ago, so we
stopped and then the weather improved.
Today we moved them into a nucleus box because they are destined to go
to a new home.
We were dismayed to find no brood at all.
Plenty of
stores and the bees were happy. Pretty sure there is a queen because
during the moving process a group of bees clustered and hung off the
bottom of one comb that was still in the hive, making a loud noise. We
think the queen was in that cluster. We quickly put that over into the
nuc box.
We think that we either have a queen who took a while to mate because of the weather and hasn't started laying yet, or we have an unmated queen who is now about 6 weeks old. We are going to check the hive they came from tomorrow and maybe move another comb of brood over.
Getting ready to move the bees |
Nice comb of bees andhoney |
They soon got the idea |
Still a few hanging around the old hive |
Lots of bees at the new entrance |
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